
Brazilian Voluntary Carbon Market

06/11/2022 | Categoria: Eventos

It was a priviledge to join the Latin America Climate Summit organized by IETA in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank representing the market squad of the Carbon Markets & Sustainable Finance group from the Laboratório de Inovação Financeira (LAB).

My role was to present the bottlenecks and solutions identified by the market squad aiming at boosting the voluntary carbon market in Brazil, from the capital markets perspective.

Clearly, the first and foremost step, known since the CDM from Kyoto and repeated when CBios were launched in Brazil, is to have the capital markets rules aligned with the legal nature of carbon credits provided in environmental rules.

Once this first step is resolved, there comes the taxation and accounting rules applicable to carbon credits, as well as registration/custody needed to ensure integrity and transparency.

I also learned with Lucia Aragão, head of the real estate squad, about the bottlenecks and solutions identified to boost land compliance for forest carbon projects and with Kátia Fenyves, co-head of the general view squad, about the mapping of stakeholders and their roles implemented so far.

Not to mention that our moderator was Naiara Bertão, our super journalist in charge of the ESG Booklet from Valor Econômico S/A.

Jose Alexandre Vasco, Eduardo Sierra and Andreza Leodido, MBA, PM4R thanks for the invitation!
Flavia Carvalho de Moraes e Silva thanks for all the support!

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